Month: October 2021

Beer drinkers and cocktail fans – let’s meet in the middle for these three unique beer cocktails! Of course, purists out there think that beer cocktails are a terrible idea, and guess what – they’re wrong. Craft brewing these days gives us thousands of choices, so why wouldn’t you do a little experimenting on your
Posted by: 50 Campfires in Camping Gear, Featured Articles, Fire In this episode of the Avid Outdoorsman Product Showcase, we interview Fireside Outdoor President & founder, Mark Wolf. Fireside’s mission is to engineer products that make outdoor fires easier and safer. They’ve done just that with a couple of big product groups. The first is
If you spend any time hiking in bear country, you need to know how to handle a potential bear encounter. These are high-stress situations where preparation and knowledge can make all the difference at the moment. If you know what to do, you’ll have a better chance of remaining calm and getting out alive. Always
Breathtaking views, wolves howling, rushing rivers, deep gorges, waterfalls, flushing grouse, frosty mornings, moose tracks, star gazing, birch forests, waterfalls, and more waterfalls. The Superior Hiking Trail is a 310-mile trek that follows the Sawtooth Mountain’s rocky ridgeline along the shoreline of Lake Superior from the Canadian border to the Minnesota-Wisconsin border. It’s truly a
Gasoline Stockpiling? Stockpiling supplies for an emergency is at the very core of survival. Unfortunately, though, not everything stores well, especially when we’re talking about months and years. Most food items don’t store well, but we are able to make up for that by the way we preserve and package them. Other items aren’t quite
Packing light for camping trips is sometimes easier said than done, especially when you’re packing gear for the whole family. Survive Outdoors Longer makes campsite meals easy to prep and cleanup with the Flat Pack Bowls & Strainer Set and Flat Pack Sink. SOL Flat Pack Sink The Flat Pack Sink also collapses and can
Storms, whether approaching, leaving or right in the middle of the action, make for some dramatic landscape photography. The safety of the photographer and their gear is of the utmost importance when embarking on a photography adventure like this. But you can observe these incredible scenes from the safety of your phone or computer screen.