The Amazon Prime Day 2022 sale runs July 12 and 13. The Amazon website online sale can be chaotic to navigate, with gazillions of selections, so this article focuses on the best Prime Day deals on outdoor gear.
Amazon Prime Day 2022 has arrived! The massive online sale runs on July 12 and 13. Let us help you find the gear you need. We have scoured Amazon’s big sale to find price drops on outdoor gear, apparel, and other useful products.
Check back frequently because we will continue to add and highlight new deals as the sale continues.
Remember that you must have Amazon Prime in order to shop the sale. If you’re not a Prime member yet, there’s no need to worry. Snag yourself a 30-day free trial and take advantage of a monster sales event with deals you might not see again until Black Friday or Cyber Monday.
Scroll through to see all of our favorite deals, or jump to the categories that you’re looking for. (Pro tip: Make sure to check back frequently to see what new deals have been added.)
Early Prime Day Deals
Apple Watch Series 7: 29% Off
Apple claims that the newest Apple Watch has improved durability, a larger, more user-friendly face, and added health features like a blood oxygen meter and ECG. It is also designed to charge faster than its earlier generations.
Anova Culinary Sous Vide Precision Cooker Pro: 38% Off
Take your cooking to the next level. The sous vide method of cooking offers excellent temperature control for an even and consistent experience, as well as the ability to lock in flavors with a sealed bag, making it a great option for a number of foods. They work especially well for wild game.
Beats Studio3 Wireless Noise Cancelling Over-Ear Headphones: 43% Off
Beats are known to be reliable high-performance wireless headphones. One cool feature about these is the fast fuel feature. When the battery is low, a 10-minute charge can get you up to 3 hours of listening time. Score a deal and enjoy blissful music on your next airplane trip or remote workday.
Bowflex SelectTech 840 Kettlebell: 44% Off
Whether you have limited space in your home gym or you just prefer equipment that does more, this kettlebell is an option for you. It adjusts from 8 to 40 pounds, providing a range that can meet the needs of multiple lifters for various exercises.
Coleman LED Personal Lantern: 49% Off
This lantern casts 400 lumens on high and has a run time of up to 30 hours on high and 70 hours on low. It is battery-operated and water-resistant to stand up to use out in the elements.
More Sales at Other Retailers Happening Now
Huckberry: Prime Day Alternative Sale
VSSL: Summer Sale
Po Campo: Anniversary Sale
Cabela’s: Legendary Savings At Cabela’s — Save Up To 50%
Bass Pro: Legendary Savings At Bass Pro — Save Up To 50%
G.H. Bass: 20% Off Select Styles With Code: TAKE20
Bass Outdoor: 40% Off Sitewide With Code: GEARUP
Tips for Shopping Amazon Prime Day Deals 2022
When Is Prime Day?
The sale starts at 12:00 a.m. PDT on Tuesday, July 12, and runs through 11:59 p.m. PDT on Wednesday, July 13.
Save Big
To take advantage of all the savings, you need to be an Amazon Prime member. If you haven’t taken the plunge yet, you can sign up for a 30-day free trial.
Getting the Best Deal
Make use of the work we’re doing here. Above, our team listed the best deals on outdoor gear, tech, pet, and home items. Plus, the GearJunkie staff will update this article throughout the sale, so check back regularly.
This limited-time shopping event is akin to Black Friday and the deals frenzy is similar, so be sure to shop early for the best deals.
It’s easy to get swept up in the excitement, but it pays to do a little research to ensure that you’re getting the best deal possible. Amazon will offer discounts on outdoor and travel gear plus other items like smart displays, speakers, Amazon devices, tablets, smart home products, and more. Before buying, do a quick search to make sure it’s the lowest price compared to other online retailers.
Do Your Research
Think about what gear you most want to score. Or, what big-ticket items do you want to buy at a discount? From the best camping tents and sleeping pads to the best percussion massagers and bike hitch racks, our expert gear guides will help you determine what equipment you need most.
Deals and stock will be changing throughout the sale, so keep refreshing this page for the best Prime Day outdoor gear and home deals.