Morgan Rogue   11.11.22 I’m a big fan of having generators for camping and emergency preparedness. We have used our solar generators for all kinds of reasons. We once used it to power an off grid military sink. And used another to charge our ham radio setup when we were doing ham radio field day. These generators
Rusty S.   11.11.22 Guns For Great Causes Continues to Make a Positive Difference in American’s Lives Henry Repeating Arms is an impressive company.  Not only are all of their firearms and merchandise 100% American-made, but they also lead the charge in the world of philanthropy, making a huge difference in the lives of children, veterans, and other worthy
Morgan Rogue   11.10.22 I am all for hand warmers during the winter. The disposable hand warmers are absolutely amazing and really affordable. You can throw them in any pack and use as needed at any time. However, as I’m starting to move more towards reusable products, I’d really like to find a reusable hand warmer that
Congratulations to Garry Everett for winning the recent Motion Blur Assignment with the image, “Moonlight Coast.” See more of Everett’s photography at  View the winning image and a selection of submissions below. And be sure to check out our current photography assignment here and enter your best shots!
Morgan Rogue   11.09.22 When it comes to light sources, whether it be for outdoor adventures or emergency preparedness, lanterns are probably one of my favorite ways to light up the night. They’re hands free (obviously when you’re not carrying it around), they’re bright, there are so many options for rechargeable and solar and all kinds of
Have you ever looked at photos of awe-inspiring places and thought how magnificent it would be to journey there but doubted your chances because life gets in the way? Have you ever looked at an image of a far-off destination and thought how lucky that photographer was to get to travel to that location? Have
Morgan Rogue   11.08.22 We are surrounded by technology so it seems almost improbable to think anyone wouldn’t know what’s going on in this world. We get notifications on our phone, see posts on social media, turn on the TV; we really can’t escape the news! I don’t know about you, but I’m not always attached to
Camera lens filters are an essential accessories to achieve the best quality images, especially in outdoor conditions where the light can change quickly and isn’t easily controlled as in a studio environment. Serious photographers invest in top-quality equipment to help ensure that their images are the best they can be. When it comes to building